Trade implementation and enforcement research network
Jan Orbie
Jan Orbie
Jan Orbie is Associate Professor in European Union (EU) External Relations at the Department of Political Science at Ghent University (Belgium). He is a member of the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES), the Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS) and the Human Rights Research Network (HRNN) at the same university. He teaches European and Regional Integration Theories and Discourses Analysis in the Ba of Political Science and the EU and Global Justice at Ghent University. His research concerns the external relations of the EU. He has published on the EU’s external trade, social, development, humanitarian aid and democracy promotion policies. He currently (co-)supervises doctoral research on the geopoliticization of EU trade policy, labour rights in EU-Asia trade relations, EU democracy promotion in Africa, the migration-development nexus in EU policy-making, EU external forest governance policies, financialization of EU development policy, and EU external bioconservation policies. He has recently published on the labour rights and fair trade dimension of EU external policies, on civil society involvement in EU trade agreements, on the impact of the covid-19 crisis on EU trade policy, and on EU development policy including from a politicization, post-development and post-colonial perspective. His most recent policy-oriented research concerns the Domestic Advisory Groups under the chapter on Trade and Sustainable Development of EU trade agreements.